Point of Sale

Point of Sale is a surprisingly competitive industry. I built a POS site for my old employer that does relatively well. As a test, I launched another one to see what kind of traffic it would get. Granted, my URL is a bit spammy, and I don’t update much, nor do I have a linking […]

Congratulations, Lady of Shame

Just read the< a href=http://www.shamelady.com>Shamelady</a> news. That’s awesome. I made a longer post about it on http://www.pdxbars.com You should go there and write reviews of <a href=http://www.pdxbars.com>Portland Bars</a> that you like. There are some regular posters there, I’m thinking of adding a thing where registered users can post links, and tally their post count. I […]

PDXbars II – Things for me to watch.

I’ve been closely monitoring the traffic to my Portland Bar site, and it seems that Nocturnal is definitely a sought after destination. I’m curious how I’ll be doing for other bars, such as Berbatis Pan, Dante’s, and other well known PDX bars. I’m also pleased that every unique visitor spends some quality time, averaging at […]

Portland Bars

I have finally, after much hardwork, posted a working version of my Portland Bar Directory. I’m using a great deal of mod_rewrite and anchor text key terms that should hopefully generate some nice traffic search engine traffic. We are still lacking in content, Jason and I will be having all of our friends writing reviews, […]

Ecologically Friendly Wood

What a morning! I woke up with the television on – Karate Kid II was the morning feature on the USA network. I shed a tear as “Glory of Love” inspired me to be the better man. After fielding a call from another potential client, I did a little SEO and layout consulting for Altruwood. […]


I am building a local directory of PDX bars. I’ve build a solid foundation for traffic/search optimization (see my article on using MOD_REWRITE), and hopefully will have displaced citysearch which currently dominates results pages of google and yahoo when searching for information about a specific bar. One thing I’m building is the ability for promoters/managers/bar […]

Brutally Honest Personals

I was chatting with my friend Matt Steckler, a guy who at least once a year pulls off some zany scheme. For awhile, he was broadcasting fan commentary via cellphones from Seattle Supersonics games. As it picked up listenership, he was served with a Cease and Desist from the NBA. His latest adventure is an […]