Strict XHTML Coding

I’ve decided it is time I make an honest effort towards using strict valid XHTML code. Lately, my code has often been a neapolitan mixture of HTML 4.0, a little CSS, and sometimes XHTML, often on the same page. Much of the reason I haven’t been consistent with my coding style has been due to […]

On the Farm

I have just finished up my most recent traffic generation campaign for Flying Rhinoceros. Play on the Farm is a series of educational books and DVDs with a faith-based message. This website includes some great flash animation from some of the finest illustrators and animators, as well as voices by Vince Gill and Amy Grant. […]

Design for the Obvious

When you take on a client, especially when you are newer to the web design industry, you may feel compelled to “impress” both yourself and your client with the coolest, fanciest design. Maybe you want to add all kinds of features that you feel are fun tasks that enhance the website. You are designing as […]

MSN Search Beta

For those living in the dark, MSN’s indexing robot has been heavily crawling websites for the past few monthes. Some folks with larger sites have gone so far as to ban MSN bot due to aggressive crawling. Most of my sites have no more than a couple of hundred pages, so it hasn’t affected me […]

Image Search Optimization

With some of my websites I have found that the image search function for both Google and Yahoo has generated a significant increase in traffic. In fact, I have one website that increased it’s daily uniques by over 300 visitors a day, just because of image searching. I watched my sales and advertising clickthrough rates […]

Google In A Nutshell

Joe Griffin puts it best in his article entitled The Google Economy Google makes friends with the popular people (used in metaphor to represent websites). Google does not care about the new kid in school. If you can understand his simple principle, you will be well on your way to laying out a solid foundation […]